By MarMar - 15/03/2009 20:47 - United States

Today, I was having sex with a guy I met and in the middle of it his mother called him. After stopping to answer the phone, he tried to put me on with her because she didn't believe anyone would actually sleep with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 123 588
You deserved it 17 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Miller_Time 0

See, that's just really, really awkward. Like in the way you never want anything to be.


Miller_Time 0

See, that's just really, really awkward. Like in the way you never want anything to be.

Because his mother was calling and you NEVER ignore a call from your mother. Not unless you have a death wish.

If he such a jerk that he stop having sex to answer the phone no wonder his mom don't believe him.

ditto for #6, i mean he sounds pretty weird if he picks up his phone for his MOM during SEX...please tell me you stopped after that?

so, you were with him and he answered the phone? wtf.

adelaide_evening 0

Have you ever seen the movie Teeth? She chopped off a guy's dick with her ****** dentata when he tried that.

I wish I had teeth in my ****** after seeing that movie.

Yeah agree with #6. Finish having sex and then call back your mom. Make up some BS excuse if you have to. Honestly for the stories about BFs stopping having sex WTF is wrong with them? Hell when I get sex I try to savor all of it. WTF would I want to stop getting pleasure to hear stories from my mom? The only justifiable reason would be if mom kept calling constantly regarding an emergency (death in the family, etc), but honestly how often does that happen?

bizzles 0

"oh hey mom, no i'm not busy!"