By Anonymous - 08/06/2009 21:11 - United States

Today, it was my two-and-a-half year anniversary with my girlfriend, a small but noble occasion. She surprised me with an invention of hers, a plate of triple-chocolate double-mint cookies topped with Andes mints. I surprised her by crashing her new Mustang into a cement divider. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 082
You deserved it 51 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

realworldready 0

You SOB!!! A) For crashing her car B) And this is more important, for describing those ******* cookies on FML! Asshole!!! Do I have triple-chocolate-double-mint cookies topped with Andes' mints right now? NO!!!! And now I definitely want some! YOU SUCK!!! YDI!!!


At least you got some chocolates. Still FYL

If he was drunk he is a huge prick and he probably did it by accident it is not like he tried to if he was not drunk.

Anyone else notice it says the OP is a woman?

Chocolate_Chunk 2

#154, So what? Why would that matter? It would only matter if you were either a) a homophobe or b) a sexist ("women can't drive!11!"). Also, answering to the first comment just to get on top is a dick move.

jgardner12 0

Agree with the others it is more of a F HER life. Well I hope the cookies were as good as they sound.

proudpessimist 0

yeah is should totally be Fherlife!

stompyogranma 0

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realworldready 0

You SOB!!! A) For crashing her car B) And this is more important, for describing those ******* cookies on FML! Asshole!!! Do I have triple-chocolate-double-mint cookies topped with Andes' mints right now? NO!!!! And now I definitely want some! YOU SUCK!!! YDI!!!

2 and half year anniversary? WTF... YDI