By Anonymous - 25/07/2011 17:11 - United States

Today, I got a completely random boner at a coffee shop, five seconds before two attractive women asked me to stand up and take their picture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 564
You deserved it 5 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xx6RoseThorn9xX 5

your dingdong can see the future ;)


2ndSucks 15

Maybe they were impressed by your size?

WellThatSucksMaj 0

were they playboy bunnies? cuz if so, your a lucky bastard

NastyNinja31 0

Embrace your boner and show it off to them.

0D0R0 4

Did their vaginas get wet after they saw it?

That's when you stood up and your boner knocked the the table causing a candle to fall of the table an land on your shorts thus you learned that, yes, pubic hair is still flammable.

I must have a small penis seeming as my boners in public aren't very concerning.

Andrew1122 0

hahaha I just imagine this guy as an old creepy man in basketball shorts and the two attractive women are 15 year old girls

104 - that's a comment that sounds more like an FML

I bet it sucks to be you right now !

Blackhandles 0

Be proud of your boners. They show your not a zombie yet.

Stand up and salute the Captain, Private!

enonymous 8

Every1luvboners didn't you tell them that!? also if it's big enough take the picture using the boner on the shutter. Chicks dig it

say "wow, you girls are impressive! got my wood rollin in two seconds, let's say we go. ack to my place for those pictures!" yeah, doesn't work for me, but if it helps one man get a threesome... all my work is for not!

lol32360 0


freshV43 0

I do hate getting random boners but still can be fun!

ChickenDoggiesWh 0

it's like a boner spidey sense x)

Jonscarl 0

sounds to me like it wasn't random

SittingInTheSky 6

I think that when people get random boners it's very flattering. No i'm not a **** Yes i would snog the OP No i don't know what OP means.

srayray 5

sorry but that's kinda funny!don't worry I'm not making fun of you it's just it's funny and I feel so sorry for you!:( :)

Want me to read your palm? Just let me unzip and I'll tell you how many babies we're gonna make.

nixter5 18

yeah what are you doing??! you copied dolphincheddar's picture!! you just broke so many unwritten rules. I'll see that you get banned from FML for life, for copying one of the greats of this site.

raging octopus ******.... you sir, are a genius.

Haha, kill his ass. But seriously, this is where you play the 'IM PHOTOPHOBIC' trick and dive under the table. They wont know photophobic isnt a real word. :P

49, Oh how your stupidity shows. it's not even your pic. You don't own it.

It has a different saying on it anyways... So what if it's the same dog, mirror reversed. And if you didn't take the damn picture, it ain't yours. Get over it.

tyty22796 0

damn assholes, it is his do u know he didnt take the pic and put it on the internet who are u to judge...all u haters are raging octopus vaginas TOO!!

eog314 0

the stupidity of people on this site make me laugh.

no reason boners always showup at the worst times...

iAintEvenMad 0
fadingfaith 4

Why would they want their picture taken at a coffee shop?

kiaralove53 0

They could be from out of town? Who knows.

maybe they are old friends and ones visiting town so they had a quick cup of coffee and chatted a bit.. or not

CaptainPickles72 18

Or could be those people who like to take random pictures in stores to put on facebook for attention.

maybe it's the coffee shop they met in and they just came back to relive good old times

yea I agree with -14 maybe they're from out of town!

maybe they saw the boner from across the room and wanted him to give them a better view

wow. number 6 what kind of mascara do you use?

well why do chicks take pictures of themselves in bathrooms?

6# meh, you took a pic of your eye why?

captainmcp 0

me and my best friend take pics everywhere all the time. so do lots of ppl

tourists xD the best coffee in the world :o

jrsylilballer6 7

at least they know you're interested ! narb=no apparent reason boner

random? r u sure? lol that's hilarious. maybe you just really like coffee. ;)

or he thought of a really good come on! 'hey ladies. let's go to my place and play 'photographer'!

A random boner? I get turned on by nothing too.

It is! One day, I'll be walking down the street, and we'll cross paths. Now, if you didn't know that I get turned on by nothing, well, let's just say you'd fly back about 20 feet. But, because you know, you'll have the sense to dodge it and avoid the situation.