
By fmlprobot - 04/06/2009 23:48 - United States

Today, my baseball team had a game and one of our best players was injured sliding into first. I'm pretty fast so when the coach called my name I grabbed a helmet assuming it was finally my chance to get in the game. Turns out he just wanted me to get ice. The entire team couldn't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 411
You deserved it 4 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait, your BEST player SLID into first? Thats a big baseball no-no, seeing as you can over-run it and curve to the right of the base and still be safe without having to be on the bag, assuming that the first basemen didn't have the ball in his glove and was standing on the bag when you ran over it.

Your team must suck ass if your best player is sliding into first


I'm only commenting to this comment so every1 realizes the kid probally never slid into first on the original play. most likely on a pick off. second there is no rule in baseball saying u can't slide at first base. Yes it is stupid, and it doesn't help u get there any faster, but there is certain situations where u HAVE to slide at first base. most people make it out like they nothing about baseball or have never played the game before.

ImFrackinBored 13

Clearly your mind is a little slower

:) too enthusiastic... that's nice though!

Woah! That is a mean coach!! You need to show you're mad skillzzzz next time!!

Maybe he just said it because he actually really sucks...

Wait, your BEST player SLID into first? Thats a big baseball no-no, seeing as you can over-run it and curve to the right of the base and still be safe without having to be on the bag, assuming that the first basemen didn't have the ball in his glove and was standing on the bag when you ran over it.

hey retard there is a thing called a pickoff where u sometimes are forced to slide into first and there are situations where u have to slide on the initial play at first. that is all!

You're calling him a retard? Ever learn to spell? Also, from my experience in playing baseball, there is never a situation where you have to slide into first (force play). You also rarely injure yourself from diving into a base eight feet away during a pick-off...

munchkin10014 0

exactly what I was gonna say sliding into first sounds retarded and if that was their best player, it sounds like they have a horrible base-running team FAIL lol

muckdog19 2

115. When you see the first baseman jump (for bad throws) as a base runner you go down (slide). 116. I play first base. On pick offs as a first baseman we hit the runner as hard as we can with our gloves. Ive seen people hurt that way. So it happens

Sometimes the runner must be tagged, (instead of simply having to have the ball on the base) sliding can sometimes help avoid this. *source: my dad coached baseball & softball for over 10 years & played all through school. - my sister plays college softball (not the same as baseball, I know). - I played softball all through school - my friend's dad played for a minor league team when he was young

When does the runner have to be tagged? That sounds like some version kids made up on a playground.

The only reason diving into first should even be considered is if the first baseman has the ball off the bag and you need to avoid the tag. Running through the bag is always faster.

karpaltunnell 0

Aww I can just picture you as the little nerd kid, no offense.