By Anonymous - 12/12/2009 00:45 - United States

Today, I got a call from my daughter's pre-school. Apparently, she is being suspended, for answering; "What do your parents do at home?" She told them, "My parents fuck." FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 420
You deserved it 39 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Punishing kids for blatant honesty. Gotta love society.


ROFL I hope it was a private school, that would eb TOTALLY EPIC =P

hahaha. I love this kid. But you should sorta make sure it doesn't happen again...

You have sex within earshot of your daughter?

glasswater 0

You deserve it for a) using that kind of language around her, b) not teaching her what words are inappropriate, and c) doing SOMETHING that allowed her to not only use, but understand the meaning of the word ****.

LemonMan 0

What a great roll model you must be *sigh*

Did the child ever watch Two and a half Men???? Blingup out

Did the child ever watch Two and a half Men???? Blingup out

missangelj_08 0

WOW #9 you are dumb. You can get suspended from pre-school. I was suspended and kicked out when I was younger. Lol

That is epic... You just have to love foulmouthed people (though not children, but ok), they are usually so must more eloquent than the frigid pristine ones... (Check out Stephen Fry on this subject

My son knows what bad words are (hes 5) because he's heard people say them..I dont curse in front of him at all and he knows better to say any word that is a curse word. You cant shelter your kids from hearing things but you CAN prevent them from repeating them by teaching them morals. I explain to my son that cuss words are rude and ugly and smart people like him never need to say those things because a smart person can think of better words to say to explain how they feel without being offensive.