By DeadDude - 27/12/2010 11:29

Today, I took my kids to the doctor. In the waiting room, a six year old boy walked up to me, punched me in the crotch, and ran away with my glasses. When the kid's parents made him give me my glasses back, he spat on them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 082
You deserved it 3 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

White_Fury 0

Freaking people need to learn how to raise their kids. What a little brat.

perdix 29

You shoulda put a beatdown on the little bastard, Four-Eyes. I mean, he's at the doctor's in the first place, he might as well get some wounds treated while he's there.


kooner55 0

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You should've got your kid to beat him up. Just a thought...

no not bad ass that's when u just snap on his parents....disrespect

abi96 0

wow, I wonder what his parents are teaching him..

I guess you resemble a past child assaulter. On the bright side, at least your glasses are clean!

fakeaccountX 6

"Hey kid, would you like me to demonstrate how sharp broken glass is?"

I like how you all blame the parents. it's not necessarily their fault. it might be, but it isn't necessarily. believe it or not, some of those little ***** can be nasty as hell no matter what their parents do :F

I disagree. it's not like we're talking about a teenager. at such a young age, how they behave is based on the discipline they receive. if you have kids that act like that at that age, sorry your doing something wrong. you and the kid need your ass beat.

iVereor 0

He's probably copying what mommy does to daddy and daddy does to mommy. That sucks you should scream at the parents.

Link5794 18

57 the lenses in glasses are actually plastic. I learned that the hard way when i tried to scrub some gum off of my glasses with the scouring side of a sponge. one of the major differences between glass and plastic is that glass doesn't scratch easily.

White_Fury 0

Freaking people need to learn how to raise their kids. What a little brat.

I know. What is the ******* world coming too? I'd have punched the little ****.

I flat out would have kicked him in the face.

CookieMonstr19 0

?I kno right it's soo ******* annoying!!!

perdix 29

You shoulda put a beatdown on the little bastard, Four-Eyes. I mean, he's at the doctor's in the first place, he might as well get some wounds treated while he's there.

thirdtesticle 0

dud. you are better than this, sir. dont beat up put them on drugs. coughritalincough

why medicate when it takes a swift belt to the ass to fix them

wow. kids these days. this fml seems a little fake tho... just sayin

qazz42 1

pff, take the glasses that he likes so much, and smash it over his head. then do the same to the parents. Problem solved

mizunwantedxx 0

you just got punked by a little kid!!

tacobird123 7

I blame it on older siblings teaching younger spermlings this behavior, i'm not saying that he had and older brother that taught him this, but I always see little first graders. cussing more than I do these days, and the main problem are there older douchebag brother/sisters...Meh, go figure...

They also learn from their friends. They usually know better but they think it makes them "cool". When my little brother curses, I hit him softly on his head.

You blame other kids? He wouldn't be doing this if his parents had taught him some respect.

Ninjafriends 1

Since you're at the doctor's office, you might as well ask the doctor where your testicles went, you geeky wimp.

What makes him geeky? Also how is he a wimp? He was probably in shock that a punk kid did that and was thinking over how to handle it when his parents unsuccessfully intervened.

ColonelCusswords 24

What should he do dumbshit punch the kid in the face? No theres nothing he could do so that doesnt make hime a geeky winp

aquastar 0

wow just wow. it's probably not all the kids fault, he probably gets it from mommy and daddy dearest. :/