By Anonymous - 12/12/2009 00:45 - United States

Today, I got a call from my daughter's pre-school. Apparently, she is being suspended, for answering; "What do your parents do at home?" She told them, "My parents fuck." FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 420
You deserved it 39 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Punishing kids for blatant honesty. Gotta love society.


hmmm now you know that she knows the f word and that she knows what you do at night

Bullheard 0

soo how long was she suspended for?

upsidedownfrownn 5

I guess thats one way a preschooler gets suspended.

needsagf14 12

Not gonna sugarcoat this- you're terrible parents.

CaroAurelia 12

How does that make them terrible parents? Because she knows a bad word (and may not even know what she was saying)? Maybe they said it when they thought she wasn't around. Or maybe she heard it elsewhere. Kids are notoriously good at hearing things they shouldn't when they aren't supposed to be anywhere nearby and then echoing it at the worst times.

Just because she said that doesn't mean she knows what the word means...she could've overheard one of her parents say it and was trying to tell her teacher that her parents say that word, pre schoolers don't always use complete sentences so you don't know what she was actually saying...

The real question is where she heard it from

anonomysqwerty 7

Omg this is too perfect, I hope that social services don't get involved