By auraya1985 - 12/09/2015 21:34 - United Kingdom

Today, I got called into the school by my daughter's teacher. Apparently my daughter informed her class that over the weekend she spent her time with her daddy watching porn stars while her mummy was at work. It took a long time to convince her they were actually watching a TV show called "Pawn Stars". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 350
You deserved it 1 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The teacher sounds slow. She could have asked your daughter to elaborate and using context clues, she would figure out what your daughter actually watched. As cart that is is the person you have to trust to educate your child.

No one said anything about doing that in front if the class. She could have pulled the child to the side and asked her to explain herself a little further. It would take half a second to figure out what she really meant.


Mmkay1515 21

I've had situations like that before with that show.. It's super awkward at first, but become a funny story later!

The teacher sounds slow. She could have asked your daughter to elaborate and using context clues, she would figure out what your daughter actually watched. As cart that is is the person you have to trust to educate your child.

The teacher thought she was talking about **** stars. Why would anyone ask another to elaborate on details about "**** stars," especially in a room full of children?

No one said anything about doing that in front if the class. She could have pulled the child to the side and asked her to explain herself a little further. It would take half a second to figure out what she really meant.

With what parents do these days I don't know that it's smart to ask a child to elaborate about ****.

Well ya know. same difference right? those fat old men could make some interesting **** stars.

That was a mental image I could have lived without. Haha

at least it will make for a funny story later

If you ask your daughter to describe the characters she saw, it will settle things one way or another very quickly.

I can see how "Pawn Stars" could sound like "**** stars" with a British accent, seeing as this FML takes place in the UK.

I don't think the accent has anything to do with it. Pawn and **** sound the same regardless of how you pronounce it, with whatever accent you pronounce it in. I just think it was a mistake (on the teacher's behalf) because she didn't get the girl to elaborate on what she meant by '****/pawn' star.

that's not true at all, I'm from AZ, a state that notably lacks a regional accent, and our "Aw" and "Or" sounds are clearly enunciated. I'm assuming you're either from Europe, New England U.S., or East India if your accents can't distinguish the two.

I can't reply to my own comment so here is my edit for the last sentence. *It's a scary thought that's the person you have to trust to educate your child.

I was wondering what "as cart" was supposed to mean...

She'll love this story of herself when she's older! lol