Father of the year

By Harvey knicks grandad - 10/02/2021 21:58 - United Kingdom

Today, my son told me he failed to get into the army, which I didn’t know he was trying to do. Apparently he thought playing Call of Duty non-stop counted as "experience" and that he’d become an officer rank straight away, despite being 10-stone overweight with the brains of a tree stump FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 085
You deserved it 242

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Brains of a tree stump? Maybe he should try joining the marines instead.

He should try our army. They take anyone.


My daughter is the female Pauley Shore and she knows better. You raised him

He should try our army. They take anyone.

well to be fair they do measure weight in rocks where he comes from.

OrySoma 11

its kinda hard to fail getting into the army 😅

Army is full of intense physical exercise. Ironic how the guys who fail to get into the Army are the ones who need the Army the most.

tounces7 27

Brains of a tree stump? Maybe he should try joining the marines instead.

coius 23

I laughed too hard at this. I know a marine who was so dumb, he got a live grenade stuck in his mouth trying to show off to the other cadets. Good thing he was an underling. He would’ve killed his platoon if he had any leadership positions.