By Anonymous - 12/12/2009 00:45 - United States

Today, I got a call from my daughter's pre-school. Apparently, she is being suspended, for answering; "What do your parents do at home?" She told them, "My parents fuck." FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 420
You deserved it 39 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Punishing kids for blatant honesty. Gotta love society.


At least she didn't go into detail. You'd never be able to show your face again if all of the preschoolers knew what you did with barbed wire and a rubber chicken.

TheMischiefMaker 0

YDI. she obviously learns that stuff somewhere. i bet youre the type of parents that let her watch whatever she wants as well, and will wonder what went wrong when she's one of the slutty girls at school. smh

terriibabiiix23 0

lmfao, this just made my day ! you have a very funny daughter (:

DTbasketball 0

The kid didn't deserve to be suspended.

lifeisgood8 0

that is absolutely hilarious!! and ironic....considering what they're teaching her is not to be honest. But then again that punishment will hopefully teach her to use a screening process, that lets her pick up on social etiquecy. On that note i generally like people who tell it like it is anyway!! hahhaha i love this fml

lifeisgood8 0

I really don't think their is anything wrong with swearing anyway, not that I do it often, or was raised to. It's just a incorporate emphasis, or express shock/anger etc. what makes it so different then any other word that is used for that purpose? Society iss crazzzyyy..I can understand how calling anyone a bitch can be offensive since it means female dog...but if I called someone a female dog instead would that be any different/ sound better.....