By S.Bunny - 22/01/2010 08:14 - United States

Today, I found out that when you hit the neighbor's dog with your car, they might chase you a mile with a shotgun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 971
You deserved it 44 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cwark 0

So you got chased by a shotgun-wielding dog?

Saccharide 0

FYL, OP. Next time pay attention to the road?


actionjackson8 0

ydi op for being a bitch and hitting a dig with ur car.

020266t 5

well he just sais chased with a shot gun there was no threatning si i would say the dog

if it didn't die i would be like "go f***k yourself!"..... but if you killed it.... i would get my dragon breath out (cod black ops)

monkiki62 5

It's ydi for not paying attention. And for hitting a dog. Of course I'd chase after someone that Hurt my animal you need to give them money if that dog had any injuries op. You most likely hit and ran anyway. Ass.

I vote FYL because for all I know the dog could've ran out in front of you and you slammed on your breaks but still couldn't stop in time to not hit the dog

If u hit my dog I would probably do the same thing. :|