By sdfsdf - 22/01/2010 16:28 - United States

Today, I went to contest a parking ticket in court. I came out 3 hours later, all charges clear, to a new parking ticket on my windshield, for the same amount I just got cleared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 426
You deserved it 30 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

suaveneanderthal 0

It's called learning from your mistakes.

Are you sure it's not the same ticket? If you're stupid enough to commit the same offence twice, then you're stupid enough to have forgotten to take the parking ticket off your windshield.


let's turn this fml into a sexism battle, who wants to begin? ok I will- the best part of a ******* is the 10 minuites of silence hhaha :D love me or hate me ... I'm keeping a tally of all the women that say "hate you" and all the guys that read this and laugh, but don't comment because they don't give a shit... you read this and call me a dumbass but it's true... I am the troll child

Twi_lover_EC 6

Are you sure it's not the same ticket? If you're stupid enough to commit the same offence twice, then you're stupid enough to have forgotten to take the parking ticket off your windshield.

Hmmm... I guess you can't fix stupid.

epic_phail 0

a parking ticket is like $10 why even contest it? just pay the stupid thing and stop whining

Dude, what planet are you from? I should be so lucky to have parking tickets that are ONLY $10. Try $45-$50+. Regardless, OP shodl learn to read a sign, and contesting wouldn't be an issue.

I think its just a kid who doesnt know anything about the real world

I've heard of $10 tickets here. Not sure what they give them for.

18- usually they are for small town parking lots or on some meters. Depends on location of the said meter/lot in the town.

i got done $117 AUS for stopping in a no stopping zone.

shut up, your black , black people have no opinions... *chuckles* oh I'm just kidding, or am I? let's start a argument about racists, how do you get a black outa a tree? cut the rope... haha love me or hate me, people don't hate because I told a racist joke, I tell jokes about white people too, and mexicans , I know alot of those, your not a racist if you discriminate on all races equally

littlelemur 2