By S.Bunny - 22/01/2010 08:14 - United States

Today, I found out that when you hit the neighbor's dog with your car, they might chase you a mile with a shotgun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 971
You deserved it 44 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cwark 0

So you got chased by a shotgun-wielding dog?

Saccharide 0

FYL, OP. Next time pay attention to the road?


Wow grammar fail. Possessives can't be antecedents.

You people suck. Sometimes animals run out into the road and there is no time to stop before you hit them. If the guy was in a position where he could be chased with a shotgun then clearly he did the right thing and got out of his car to help.

They clearly overreacted if you hit the dog by accident. Have them arrested! This behaviour indicates it is not normal that everyone with an IQ over 40 is allowed to have a gun in the US!

missey_jey 0

if someone hit my dog with a car i would chase them all the way to their house with a shotgun my dogs are my babies

If you hit my dog with your car, you would be a dead man.

You tried to drive away for a mile?! You should have stopped immediately... or drive more carefully. Poor dog.

im gonna skip the whole 'you deserved it' thing (even though you did) and say, how the hell are you gonna get home with your neighbour wanting you dead?

I love how because it's a dog most people feel sorry for you... if it was a kid no one would; and yes children DO run into the street, my dad saved a little girls life who was hit by some moron driver. I don't believe in violence but if you hit my pets I might do something irrational too.

clahdupe 0


wowyurcool1 0

I don't blame them. you deserved it Jack ass