Revenge is rarely satisfactory

By forgettable - 21/06/2020 20:08

Today, I wanted to rub my success in my ex's face to get her back for breaking my heart. I typed the perfect email, included every detail of opening my own business, buying my own home and cleverly intertwined insults. A few hours later, she replied, "That’s nice. Who’s this?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 550
You deserved it 3 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You wrote a whole essay, yet she delivered a sick burn in four words. No wonder she dumped you!

lifeis4me 20

You can’t rub anything in their face if you’re that desperate for them to notice


You wrote a whole essay, yet she delivered a sick burn in four words. No wonder she dumped you!

lifeis4me 20

You can’t rub anything in their face if you’re that desperate for them to notice

awildwhisper 30

She's moved on, I think you should too...

It's more likely she may have had a passing acquaintance with him or not known him at all, and he's just a delusional stalker.

wysegirl 24

Sounds like it. He sounds extremely desperate and bitter. Instead the positive outlook should be viewed: getting dumped propelled you to excel and become something.

Lydmyers 9

That's kinda pathetic, dude. It's pretty clear she has, and she doesn't care how successful you are. Move on!

wow how petty at least we know why she's your ex

Cause of death: Extreme burn. Evidence suggests cadaver suffered an instantaneous and brutal burn to 100% of his body as a result of being a spoilt dick. I have reached out to colleagues asking for a cure, but I have been informed that burns caused by being a dick are always immediately fatal. Formal identification of the body has yet to take place, as the parents are too disappointed to claim it, and the ex-girlfriend is still clueless as to who he was. In my non-professional opinion, it would appear prudent to not be a self-centered dick, as karma will always find a way to bite you in the ass.

You're what's wrong with this world, leave people alone.

J15237 25

Time to move on. I am glad you found something to motivate yourself to go and make it in the world and become a success. However, you made this girl into an obsession and I hope that you are able to learn from this stupid FML posting. I also hope that you keep up all your success.

Amanda G Rich 23

sounds like you're still hung up on them. maybe try to move on some more

Serves you right... How long ago was she an ex?