By S.Bunny - 22/01/2010 08:14 - United States

Today, I found out that when you hit the neighbor's dog with your car, they might chase you a mile with a shotgun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 971
You deserved it 44 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cwark 0

So you got chased by a shotgun-wielding dog?

Saccharide 0

FYL, OP. Next time pay attention to the road?


And this is exactly the reason why you should keep your pets in your house or backyard at all times. Unless the dog escaped ofcourse then it really sucks, but still not enough to try and shoot someone. OP, if I were you, I'd try to sell my house and go and live on the other side of town or something. Better to move away then be shot in the face in your sleep...

GeoThermalSleuth 0

Poor Dog. And dude you that's what happens when you kill an incent animal ... You get chased by a country hick with a Shotgun and a lot of nerve. YDI, don't kill another dog again.

Its only a dog. If your neighbours really cared about it they should have had it tied up, or inside a fenced area. If you hadn't hit it, eventually someone else would have. Your neighbours are the ones at fault here. The owner is responsible for the safety of their animal.

george4637 0

today my neighbor ran my dog over...enraged i chased him down the road for a mile with my shotgun. I never got the shot...fml

I can just see it, "Someone murdered my dog last week and is now dragging me to court for chasing him. FML."

dancingdoggy 4

I totally read this as the dog chased you around...

stormin972 0

Most states DO NOT have leash laws. Many countys DO have leash laws. Leash laws are made at the local level rather than state or federal. It's the drivers fault for not being aware of his surroundings. There is no excuse for what you did. It could've easily been the neighbor's child instead. Would you still have ran?

If the dogs owner let their dog loose on the freeway and it got hit by a car, would you blame the car drivers on the freeway? No, you'd blame the owner for being irresponsible! In this case the dogs owner let the dog loose on a residential road. The driver is similarly not at fault. The OP should sue the dog owner for the cost of damage to their car and maybe even the emotional distress the accident has caused.

ellness 0

1. the OP never said the dog died - so it might not be "murder" 2. it's definitely not murder if it's accidental - which is not specified in the FML 3. both a human's life and an animal's life were at stake here. which one has more value?