By S.Bunny - 22/01/2010 08:14 - United States

Today, I found out that when you hit the neighbor's dog with your car, they might chase you a mile with a shotgun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 971
You deserved it 44 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cwark 0

So you got chased by a shotgun-wielding dog?

Saccharide 0

FYL, OP. Next time pay attention to the road?


mowmowlife 21

Maybe should have waited until they were sober. Hope you called the cops on their tails!

I'd go insane on someone who purposely hit my dog. You sicken me you ******* deserved it asshole

wow guys chill out, accidents happen. What if it was a smaller dog who decided to suddenly bolt out into the middle of the road? However, If it was a bigger one and he could have been avoided then yes i understand.

You didn't stop and see if it wasokay? If you just tried to hit.and run, YDI, you jackass.

I thought you said when you hit your neighbors dog with your CAT

CaroAurelia 12

Well, honestly, that's probably what I'd do.

miner777 6

You must live in the south, Texas maybe? YDI FOR HITTING A PUPPY PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOURE DOING

Well no shit, they must've really loved their dog.

It's called an accident. People really piss me off sometimes.

If someone hit my dog and kept driving, I'd make it my job to find them. You've never had a dog apparently.

You kinda deserve it. You hit a dog! Was it ok?