By TotaledBeamer - 03/06/2019 22:09

Today, I found out how much damage my neighbor's 5-year-old kid can do to my brand-new BMW with a baseball bat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 295
You deserved it 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's about to find out how much damage you can do to his bank account by holding him responsible for having the damage repaired. What parent leaves a 5 year old child unsupervised, let alone with a baseball bat??


He's about to find out how much damage you can do to his bank account by holding him responsible for having the damage repaired. What parent leaves a 5 year old child unsupervised, let alone with a baseball bat??

I hope your neighbor intends to pay for the damage...FYL

If I had to guess, it’s cause he bought a brand new BMW.

I was thinking the same thing. It’s a shame that some people think it is a shame to be successful.

probably people accidentally clicking it and not being able to undo it due to FMLs refusal to fix that issue.

StagGT 13

This is how you know people that blame others for their poverty are on this app

Did the kid play Carrie Underwood while taking the “Louisville Slugger to both headlights?”

There’s not even a good joke in there. That’s terrible. Sorry.

time to find out how much your neighbor is paying for because any parent dumb enough to give a 5 year old a baseball bat should suffer the consequences


Easy. return the favor to his stupid little ass.