By hoppgrasser - 12/11/2016 15:17 - United States

Today, I finally got the courage to ask out a girl I've had a crush on for months now. She told me I was very cute and then walked off. I still don't have an answer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 559
You deserved it 904

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lucyyy123 10

I think she was trying to say no, but in a nicer way. I'm sorry OP, at least she wasn't an asshole about it!

That's a yes. Get ready for your date and sit in your car outside her place. Monitor her movements with binoculars and night-vision goggles to see when she's ready to go out with you.


Lucyyy123 10

I think she was trying to say no, but in a nicer way. I'm sorry OP, at least she wasn't an asshole about it!

I don't know, I think in retrospect the nicest way might have been to be very clear.

tounces7 27

Maybe it would have been clear to most people. Like "Awwww, you're cute...."(Pats OP on head)

yeah..... the answer was No. sorry. at least she was nice about it.

Playing a game with him isn't being very nice about it. OP is confused. Causing confusion is not being nice at all.

seriously doubt it was intended as a game or to confuse him. it sounds like a pretty obvious no.

Goblin182 26

I don't think she was being nice. I think she was mocking him.

That's a yes. Get ready for your date and sit in your car outside her place. Monitor her movements with binoculars and night-vision goggles to see when she's ready to go out with you.

blissfully_me 16

That is an answer. If she wanted to go out with you she would have said yes. Sorry OP.

Sounds like she thought you were joking? I could be wrong though, it all depends on tone.

Well that's a yes. She wants you to woo her

I like how, in this comment section, you can clearly see how men think that's a "yes but you have to seduce me" while women say that's clearly a no.

When someone says you're cute then walks away that pretty much means a very big NOPE

I think you have this site confused for a dating advice site. This is FML, where we laugh, snark and practice a thing called sarcasm. Nobody actually said OP should consider this a yes or a challenge.

The only people who said it meant yes before your comment were quite clearly being sarcastic so...

I didn't say anyone was being serious about what they said, nor that i thought this was serious advices. I was just stating a thing i found funny to see.

That was your answer. It's a no, sorry.

You have your answer, you just don't want to accept the reality of it.