By Anonymous - 22/03/2012 05:13 - United States - Federal Way

Today, I had to re-grade a student's assignments because neither he, nor his parents can read "Spanish." I'd written in cursive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 102
You deserved it 4 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tdevonner 0

Haha apparently you write with a heavy accent lol


You should seriously learn to write better. Or become a doctor! :p

Or just write in print for stupid kids with stupid parents...

Hey, I resent that statement! Learning to write like a doctor is a long, painstaking process. You're not just BORN knowing how to chicken scratch indecipherably. It takes years of practice!

Or like an English teacher... At least my English teachers writing is indecipherable.

Sorry to say, but apparently writing like a doctot is a genetic trait, both my parents being doctors, I inherited their inability to write understandable letters. Seriously, if I probably try to do my 10 years old little cousin's homework, his teacher will tell him to stop making his little brother do his homework for him. Also, and I can't stress this enough, I will never, ever be a doctor.

25- or op could tell the parents it was a Spanish assignment, they obviously dont have the mental capacity to tell the difference

Ok, what's with the stereotype? I always write in cursive and everyone that sees it comments that I should become a doctor someday. How does that even make sense? Sheesh. Fyl op I know how you feel.

35. I cant stress this enough. No one cares

deathpotato 11

The teacher is just too fancy for normal people.

I'm just gonna stick to my hybrid-print-cursive. It's great for making sure the kid next to you isn't cheating off your test.

you're right Doc. as the Medical Assistant, I have to learn to read that strange, alien/Arabic/kanji /Hebrew hybrid language you took the leisure of learning how to write in over the course of 6+ medical school years, in the course of two seconds. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALL IN A PRESCRIPTION IF I CANT EVEN TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LETTERS AND NUMBERS?!?!?

lol 84. "Umm... crap... does this say vicodin or viagra...? eenie meenie mieni moe.. Viagra it is!"

NurseHolly 3

After a while you develop a strange ability to translate the Alien/Arabic chicken scratch into English... Especially if you work with the same doctors. You don't know how you know what the order is... You just know!

Now people start thinking cursive is Spanish...what the **** has this world come to.

the world we live in has changed a lot. I remember when I was in the 34d or 4th grade, only about 10 years ago, we were forced to learn how to read and write cursive. The main reason was because by highschool, all written papers would be expected in cursive since it looks "more classy." Well by the time I hit middle school, and especially high school, things had changed so much that there were no such things as hand written final drafts, all of it was on the computer. And even a couple years after that by the time I graduated, half of our teachers were starting to turn to online methods of turning in our papers.

Either way, good times were had by all

Ydi for bowing to the american education system and their uneducated victims.

They can reproduce as long as the parents are kept away. Everyone has the potential to be smart or dumb.

Times like this, I seriously think we as a species are headed towards a future like the one portrayed in the movie Idiocracy.

MizzErikaHart 8

Would you like to try our EXTRA BIG ASS TACO?

I did always feel like the beginning of that movie felt a bit foreshadowing towards our own future.

This is why the younger generation fails. Girls getting pregant? I wouldn't want to be that child born cause she forgot to take it out and swallow.

43, you're right! great way to prove yourself by leaving out a few commas in your comment! :D

What if they produce a hot idiot? Bimbos have to come from somewhere.

RedPillSucks 31

@MizzErikaHart, I love ass tacos. How much for 2?

82- it's okay. I don't think you will have that problem anytime soon.

Tdevonner 0

Haha apparently you write with a heavy accent lol

So the kid gets an F and the parents do too?

ss_20_xx 14

Op shouldn't have gone through the trouble of re-grading the paper for morons.

Either they're extremely stupid, or you have terrible handwriting.

K_kanaka 26

I'll go with they're extremely stupid.

biasedshooter 24

Or they just wrote in cursive(the worst writing form)

Can you fail people just because they're idiots?? I think it's necessary here

asianchink 0

Try it in Spanish and cursive. See what they say.

Or just write it in print Spanish, saying this is Spanish! Then write it in English...

asianchink 0

Sorry, they don't read German.

pinkcrayola 0

If your handwriting was so messy that they couldn't read it than ydi. But if it was neat and they were just stupid, fyl.

I think the point of the FML was that OP's student and their parents couldn't read in cursive.

And pinkcrayola's point (which perhaps could have been worded better) is that there are two possibilities: that the OP has inherently illegible handwriting, or that the writing would be legible to any normal person but that the student and parents are stupid. Not being able to read illegible handwriting is not the same thing as not being able to read cursive. We haven't seen the OP's handwriting so how are we to judge which of those possibilities is correct?

This comment is missing the point. The problem isn't that the OP's handwriting was bad, it's that the parents and child confused it with Spanish. Spanish isn't just some indecipherable language; you can tell when something is in Spanish because it (gasp!) uses Spanish words. Looking at something and not being able to read it means the person who wrote it has terrible handwriting; looking at something you can't read and thinking that is must be Spanish means you're an idiot.

MizzErikaHart 8

I noticed the word indecipherable floating all around on this fml. Hopefully I'll b able to use that word in a sentence today

Or, they didn't confuse it with Spanish at all, but used "Spanish" as a metaphor for something that is indecipherable to them. Sort of like saying "it's all Greek to me".

no, 48, the point was that the child and its parents thought the cursive was SPANISH.

88 it can go either way. But mainly what 48 said.

I never liked to write in cursive, but I atleast learned to read it! It's really not that hard to read. It just uses some curly lines and connects the letters.