By Anonymous - 04/09/2011 16:21 - United States

Today, I finally got intimate with the girl I like. As I started lifting her shirt, she stuck her hand down my pants and grabbed my junk. She immediately stopped what she was doing, snickered, and calmly said, "Take me home." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 276
You deserved it 6 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

It was probably because your **** was too big and mighty for her. She was afraid you might hurt her, so she wanted to go home and practice some Kegels to be ready for you in the future. Yeah, go with that.


Throw a rape into her and see if its 2 small to hurt o and dont forget to choke her it makes it all the more fun maby then she wont be so quick to be a bitch next time hah who am i kidding youll need to dump the body thell be no next time

Ouch. I wouldn't have drove her after that. I would have made the bitch walk.

innerbeast86 3

I'm sorry man that is pretty shady

You don't need to be big if you've got an ass like a sewing machine!

You people are sick! These two were just hooking up, not even dating and it's okay for her to not want to hook up with the man if she prefers a bigger penis. She shouldn't be forced to have sex with him even though she might not enjoy it, only so she doesn't hurt his feelings.

leadman1989 15

The point is that there are better more polite ways to do it besides laughing in his face.

hotLatina 0

ur junk is probably small i mean who wants tht???

So it's cool for me to mock and laugh at some girl if she's loose and walk out?

Tylersantiago 2

Awwwwwww that's weeeeeeak!!!!

I love how some women think its acceptable to do that to a guy. But if some guy stuck his fingers in went "nope" and left that would unbelievable.

Put your arm in her vag and tell her she should just leave