By illequipt - 16/03/2009 03:20 - Canada

Today, I was fooling around with my girlfriend for the first time. She put her hand on my cock over my jeans and said, "Get hard for me." I was hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 204 538
You deserved it 32 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it was the first time for her to fool around with a guy like that period and she just didn't know what it's supposed to feel like/what it feels like when it's not hard?! She obviously has never touched a penis before...because even if it was pretty small you can still tell if the guy is hard or not... o.O


Etherial 0

Baby penis trying to come out of shell.. Hahah XD My boyfriend can wear briefs AND jeans..and I can tell just by looking if he's hard or not. Poor OP.

icall_BS 0

Can you guys even picture that? *puts hand on crotch and stares at OP* GET HARD FOR ME.

Hated_By_FML 0

ydi for having a small dicc

AA357 0

Cause we all care about your huge bf.

if she loves you, she'll get over it, and quickly. if she's a **** then forget it. and her.

campbellshayla73 0

how does he desirve having a small penis it's sumthing you're born with no sumthin u can help

#124 ew, just ew. as if you would have a boyfriend. do us all a favour and change your picture!!

ShadyFTW1 0

why is there a fat cow in your picture 124?

yashr123 0

why ..ur pro pic is the nastiest one in the world i no u dont have a bf which guy wuld be with u!

ahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahah. baby penis.'s hardly funny. that's his manhood she insulted. I invite the female posters to think about if they were sleeping with a guy and he begun to penetrate her and was like " I inside you??! it feels like I'm just rubbing in between your thighs..." Sorry OP.

wait... she's a **** if she wants dick she can feel? would you stay with some loose ass girl?

Maybe it was the first time for her to fool around with a guy like that period and she just didn't know what it's supposed to feel like/what it feels like when it's not hard?! She obviously has never touched a penis before...because even if it was pretty small you can still tell if the guy is hard or not... o.O

it pretty hard not to know when a guy is hard since it just stick up out of no where -.-

I thought about that too...Well, at least, when he's wearing jeans. I remember when I was younger and was lying on top of my first real boyfriend (fully dressed, we were just watching a movie) and I had never seen or touched his penis. When I moved I could feel it under my belly and thought it wasn't hard (when it actually was :P). No I can tell of course, but if you have no experience with that stuff it can be hard (no pun intended).

agree with #4. Dont dump her. U might be her 1st....

bigcrazymike 6

"Get hard for me"? LOL! That's a stupid thing to say! What did she expect you to do...flex it?

cosmo780 0

guys can tense the blood flow in their dick making it more erect on cue or *flex* it

coughyochick 7

That's how the male body works. Are you 8?

xxDefiantxx 0

156 Please explain how that works

I know what 156 is talking about, although that "flex" isnt easy to maintain doing,(i can do it for like a few seconds, not even) it doesnt have a real purpose, and i can do it while hard and not.