Thanks Deborah

By Anonymous - 18/06/2022 04:00 - Canada - Lachine

Today, I left outside a bowl of fine herbs I had painstakingly grown from seeds, so they could get some sun. What did they get instead? My upstairs neighbor's filthy soapy water from washing her balcony. Three quarters of the seedlings are now dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 816
You deserved it 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't notice the balcony overhead when you put the seedlings under it?

wrenavery90 12

I am completely confused by this. Had they already grown! If so why would they need sun?


You didn't notice the balcony overhead when you put the seedlings under it?

wrenavery90 12

I am completely confused by this. Had they already grown! If so why would they need sun?