By untitledentity - 24/05/2009 16:03 - United States

Today, I decided to use my mentor's advice. I told her I had been having some trouble controlling my anger, she told me to throw rocks at trees. I threw a rock at a tree, very hard. It bounced back hit me above the eye. I'm still pissed as shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 684
You deserved it 19 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's terrible ******* advice... your mentor should be fired.

lifeislife_fml 0

The tree also has anger management problems...


@90 I'm sorry, but I wasn't putting anyone down or judging anyone. They said their opinion, so I said mine. I have fine self-esteem, and you're no better than me by putting ME down. So, maybe you should apply that to your own life. :) OMG INTERWEBZ DRAMA! Please. Act like an adult. (that is, if you're an adult.)

newguy12 0

Now what have we learned today? You can't just hit people with rocks. and keep a strait face. #80-STFU!

ledzepfan 0

is your name John Dorian? and is your "mentor" a Dr. Cox? cause that is soooooo scrubs worthy

XClarkGable why don't you ******* kill yourself because your a piece of dogshit and no one ****** cares what you have to say. No one likes you so please die If you don't wanna kill yourself then please go choke on a dick or your on feces. Hopefully you will die that way.

haaaaaaa. wow. You kids are harsh. Calm down. :)

DeadMansCrack 4

Get a Dunder-Mifflin stress ball from

@112 Wow, those exist? I think everyone needs to purchase one. :D i love me some The Office.

LoL. Don't hurt trees, they'll hurt you right back! =D

DeadMansCrack 4

haha i got one from my friend for my birthday.its pretty kickass