By relievedbutashamed - 22/02/2019 20:00

Today, I left a coffee shop abruptly to go to my car to let out some really bad and loud gas. My window was partly open because it's broken. A stranger was walking on the sidewalk in front of me. He looked terrified. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 931
You deserved it 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bloopaloop 27

That's way too much effort for a fart. We all fart and we all know it. Just step outside, rip it, and go back in. Making the effort to not do it in the room suffices


bloopaloop 27

That's way too much effort for a fart. We all fart and we all know it. Just step outside, rip it, and go back in. Making the effort to not do it in the room suffices

Oh, you have one of those organically-sourced car alarms, too?

Why would you go to your car to fart ? why not just fart outside,insted of gas chambering yourself in your car.My coworkers like to walk past busy parts of the building snickering as they fart and yell "drive buy" as everyone else suffers.i work with a bunch of old ladies tho.

I had a neighbor rip one so loud when I was walking my dog that they scared him and he started barking at them. Perhaps you are related.

chris_lillo 15

This is an FML for that guy, not you

yea, who need a bathroom, right. car-farting is where it's at! and who knows, maybe OP follows up with another FML about how the people she was with needed a ride back.... lol....