What do I get?

By Anonymous - 09/02/2022 19:01 - United States - Kula

Today, it's our ten-year anniversary, and I thought finally we would break our 10-month dry spell with some action. My husband had dozed off and was snoring even before I could reach the bed after finishing my chores. So much for happily ever after… FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 494
You deserved it 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Blimey14orangelizards 10

You know you're an adult right? You don't have to finish your chores before you go to bed. No wonder he's falling asleep before you get there! if you want sex, just go get some - don't hang about stacking the dishwasher!

Why are you prioritizing chores on your 10th anniversary?


Blimey14orangelizards 10

You know you're an adult right? You don't have to finish your chores before you go to bed. No wonder he's falling asleep before you get there! if you want sex, just go get some - don't hang about stacking the dishwasher!

It’s nicer to wake up to a clean place. And the husband should have helped!

Why are you prioritizing chores on your 10th anniversary?

Why the heck did your husband didn’t help you?!