By untitledentity - 24/05/2009 16:03 - United States

Today, I decided to use my mentor's advice. I told her I had been having some trouble controlling my anger, she told me to throw rocks at trees. I threw a rock at a tree, very hard. It bounced back hit me above the eye. I'm still pissed as shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 684
You deserved it 19 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's terrible ******* advice... your mentor should be fired.

lifeislife_fml 0

The tree also has anger management problems...


qwertyuiop8989 0

You kids are more entertaining than the FML itsself.

Just take a hot shower, it helps... but anyways, your mentor completely sucks. tell her to hug a tree...

Your mentor's a moron. Take up some other kind of hobby instead - if you have rage issues, something like boxing or a martial art might be fun. Provided you don't use it on other people :|

Perhaps this is what your mentor was trying to prove to you. If you take your anger out on something else then you only hurt yourself in the long run. Hows that for an ironic metaphor? Even though your mentor didn't plan for this I bet you won't take your anger out on trees anymore?

lilcuti3pi389 0

Everyone arguing on here is dumb as fck and needs to relax. You all need anger management.

when you throw a rock at something it will tend to bounce back i don't see how this isn't you're fault so ya FYL you're an idiot

so number 56 i agree that everyone deals with anger in their own way but even a total dumbass can manage to do so without hurting themself

R3TH0R 0

honestly, its simple physics, for ever action there is an equal and opposite reaction; thus the energy put into the rock hitting an object that same energy is being put out in the opposite direction when it hits... YDI for throwing rocks at trees (unless you throw them from the top of a hill down at trees) but FYL for having a shitty mentor that doesnt know how to deal with anger problems. get a ******* punching bag or something and beat that up at home, or just figure out whats pissed you off, think of a way to improve the situation and do it, or else if you cant improve it ignore it and move on

I agree with the positive outlet like exercise. However, buying cheap ceramics at a dollar store (plates, figurines, whatever) and chucking those at a garage wall (safe area)or what have you, can be kind of relieving too. Just saying, better than throwing rocks...