By angrymadman3542342 - 12/11/2009 06:58 - Canada

Today, I started talking to a friend about how he needs to stop overreacting and getting angry very easily. He kicked sand up in the air, and it came back into his eyes. He started getting angry, and when I told him this is what I was talking about, he hit me in the nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 045
You deserved it 7 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

matrael 0

I hope you whooped his ass for that little douche move. You tried to be a friend and was nice about it and got sucker punched for your efforts. Douche bags like that need an ass kicking to help them realize how much of a little bitch they're acting like. Have fun

With friends like him, who needs enemies? Consider breaking off this "friendship" before he does more than hit you.


With friends like him, who needs enemies? Consider breaking off this "friendship" before he does more than hit you.

Ye_Editor 0

I'd go a step further; this person obviously needs anger management in a serious way. Request he get it or say you'll press charges for battery. You'll probably be saving his life so he won't pull an anger move on someone who will kick his ass or shove a knife in his ribs.

matrael 0

I hope you whooped his ass for that little douche move. You tried to be a friend and was nice about it and got sucker punched for your efforts. Douche bags like that need an ass kicking to help them realize how much of a little bitch they're acting like. Have fun

EvelynnG 0

I hope you realize that there are such disorders and issues that derive him of a normal thought pattern. In saying that, it's possible that he doesn't know -how- to control himself. I would like you to think about that before you go around trashing it up like you've never done something uncontrollably. I hope someone sees my point, but I know 90% of the FML community who sees this will down vote me, as any thing that offers a form of argument with a valid retort is shit on.

He had sand in his eye and you were standing there judging him for being angry. I would have hit you too! xD

perdix 29

You ought to take him out for a few beers. That should calm him down. Nothing could go wrong with that -- alcohol's a sedative. Cheers!

perdix 29

Did you mean "You're?" You might want to learn some grammar before you curse me. Your inability to spell and punctuate only amplifies the stupidity and banality of your negative comments.

Alcohol is not a sedative; it is a depressant.

gigi37 0

Don't listen to him, Perdix, your comments are mostly entertaining. Pleb never adds any value to this site anyway. He is essentially the twelve-year-old of FML, the one who sits by himself in the corner making weird comments, *trying* to be funny and overusing the jokes he's picked up; like "YDI for not making [Blank] a sandwich," he's almost killed that one. We just end up nodding politely while cringing at the same time and go back to ignoring him

OLOtheDemigodess 0

"Your inability to spell and punctuate only amplifies the stupidity and banality of your negative comments" come on "stupidity" "banality" perdix was just being stupid, chillax! lmao

that's a friend? sounds more like someone hates u

Either stop being his friend or kick him in the nyyyuuttzzz!!! And tell him that is what you are going to do every time he overreacts and gets angry.

Sounds like someone's not taking their meds. That or he really needs to get laid.