By Jim - 28/03/2009 01:10 - United States

Today, I decided to ask my girlfriend of 3 years to marry me. I made brownies with walnuts and put an engagement ring into the brownie I gave her. Not only did she choke on the ring, but on the way to the emergency room, I find out she is highly allergic to walnuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 240
You deserved it 82 609

Same thing different taste

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Together 3 years and you didn't know she was allergic to walnuts?

llSgtScopell 0

If she says "Yes" after all that she must REALLY love you. Hahaha


5ive 0

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u shouldve known that u terrible person! did she say yes?

maddieguinn 0

ummm.... not really. I feel bad for the guy, but 3 years and he dosent know her allergies? that should be a question in year 1!!!

Okay am I the only one who thinks these 'creative' proposals never work? Just man up and get on a knee and ask her to marry you.

You would think that after 3 years he'd know she's allergic to walnuts.

aww OP! i feel bad for you even though you should know what ur girlfriend is allergic too :/

Yeah, bitch shouldn't have choked. She should have x ray vision, like everyone else.

llSgtScopell 0

If she says "Yes" after all that she must REALLY love you. Hahaha

Together 3 years and you didn't know she was allergic to walnuts?

blahblahblah503 0

that's what I was thinking. it's a sign not to marry if you don't know the basics

Maybe she didn't know she was allergic and just never ate walnuts

Well not everyone knows each other's allergies. I only found out a year ago that this guy I've been really close with for nearly four years is allergic to bees. And not everyone I've dated has known my allergy to root beer.

258, but if you've dated someone for THREE YEARS and are ready to propose to them, you should know their allergies.

I've been for twenty years and just found out I'm alergic to a very common acetaminophen

wolprut 0

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Inspired22 11

I second allergies are pretty serious. You would think you'd know about that by now... But it's not like it was on purpose. If she loves you, and if she understand that you're human and humans make mistakes, she'll forgive you and just say "Wow, that was a really horrible situation! But won't it make a great story to tell our kids!"


Smooth kid, smooth. on the brightside, if she says yes after all that then she really loves you.

How dumb is your gf to not recognize or check for walnuts? You two deserve each other.

because see asumed he would know & she wouldnt have to check. stupid