By Anonymous - 27/07/2015 12:58 - United States - Newtown Square

Today, I found out my pregnant sister has been watching Teen Mom 2 to find out how to be a good parent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 066
You deserved it 2 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Run as fast as you can to the nearest bookstore and buy her something actually useful. Before your sister thinks parenting is supposed to come with a shitton of drama..


meikaze 9

Please tell me you're lying.

If she really thinks that Teen Mom will help her become a good parent then I think she may be a little disappointed.

JustinJK 21

Maybe she's watching it to see what not to do. In that sense it's the perfect plan.

ChopSuey444 20

#47, I was thinking the exact same thing. Sometimes watching someone fail at something is a good way to not accidently do it yourself.

Wow , maybe she should buy parenting books

Geckosrock99 33

Honestly, with the amount of people who are too lazy to read a paragraph, I doubt she'd read a whole book. Even if it benefits her.

Well Audible has over 180,000 books. Bound to be something to do with parenting there!

#99 is that supposed to be an ad? It looks like an ad.

A07 48

No other way to say this OP, but your sister is an idiot.

I mean to b teen prego is fool me once, then looking for any knowledge from mtv...the idiot is strong wit that one

maybe not maybe she learning wether not to be

Run as fast as you can to the nearest bookstore and buy her something actually useful. Before your sister thinks parenting is supposed to come with a shitton of drama..

I'd suggest Parenting for dummies because, well the name says it all.

Was the first one not enough to learn from?

cheshirecat13242 32

Another example of why I think humanity isn't going to last for many more generations...

meli1195 31

I wouldn't say humanity, I'd say teen mom is more of a U. S. thing

Yeah, because 16 year olds aren't considered adults in the UK.

Actually, in the past as soon as you got your period you were married and were expected to start producing children. Usually 12-16 but it could actually be younger. Some countries still have "child brides" it's a huge issue. So no, not a "US thing"

I'd say she should ask your mom, but at this point not sure anymore.

Let's hope she uses it as reference on how not to parent.