By Jim - 28/03/2009 01:10 - United States

Today, I decided to ask my girlfriend of 3 years to marry me. I made brownies with walnuts and put an engagement ring into the brownie I gave her. Not only did she choke on the ring, but on the way to the emergency room, I find out she is highly allergic to walnuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 237
You deserved it 82 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Together 3 years and you didn't know she was allergic to walnuts?

llSgtScopell 0

If she says "Yes" after all that she must REALLY love you. Hahaha


YourLifeDoeSuck 0
theoldGP 0

#81 is right. except i thought most people put walnuts in brownies and not brownies in walnuts =P haha ok that was a bad joke but whatever. this seems weird, though. cause either you should have known or why wouldn't she ask

hahahaha WOW did she actually say yes? maybe you should like..try again..without walnuts or rings hidden in food.

sooo fake you would know what she was allergic to

why on earth wulld you put the dayumm ring in the brownies dayumm boy!!!!!!!!!

awhhh!!!!! that would have been cute... but ya.. that sucks i feel bad for you i hope she said yes!

you should know what her allergies are!!! that right there would tell me your not paying attention and that would be the end...

ellebell 0

People, lets focus on the BIG question...what IDIOT came up with the idea of putting an engagement ring in food/drinks?!?! I know at least a handful of people that have choked on a ring that was in their cake or champagne...And while the idea (I guess) can be thoughtful and sweet, its just not smart. Guys, we appreciate your effort...but really WTF?!?!

That's why you just make brownies. **** walnuts.