Yes or No?

By Anonymous - 06/02/2020 18:00

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend. She said yes, but the ring turned out to be quite tight on her finger. She then chewed me out, saying that I can't do anything right, then changed her answer to no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 895
You deserved it 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SaucierGirl 20

She sounds toxic man; I’d abandon ship and find someone that deserves you.

westoz 24

If you stay with her you have a life of being whipped to look forward to.


SaucierGirl 20

She sounds toxic man; I’d abandon ship and find someone that deserves you.

What the.... Exactly the same FML was posted a few years ago.

westoz 24

If you stay with her you have a life of being whipped to look forward to.

kthulu 1

dodged a bullet there run for the hills and don't put your dick in anymore crazy for a while

So, you tried to give her an undersized ring and she gave you the finger?

I hate to say it, because breakups suck, but it sounds like you’re better off without, OP

and do you really want to marry someone with that attitude to you?

ViviMage 39
Larion1 13

If you buy tires for a car same way it would abandon you if it could. Do you wear clothes or shoes undersized? Obviously she overreacted, but you are the one to blame.

turtlepad 5

Better that you know she’s a bitch now. Take the ring back and move on dude.