By rejected - 28/03/2009 00:38 - United States

Today, I was talking to my guy friend about prom. I told him I was turned down by 7 guys. So he said "Well, you could always ask me." I then said "Do you want to go to prom with me?" His response was " that's 8!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 157 199
You deserved it 28 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHA you're friend has good taste of humor it sucks but it is funny I hope you will find some1 for the prom.

5ive 0

he is a bitch!!! i would punch him


5ive 0

he is a bitch!!! i would punch him

redsox4021 0

WOW the highest i would ever go is 3. the 4th 5 th 6 th and 7th probably turned you down cuz they were one of the lAst picks.

BigdipperFML 0

since when do girls ask guys to prom?

You guys are all so whiny. Calm yoself. If he's a good friend then he was obviously joking. What's with people on FML advising OPs to revert to violence every time something "bad" happens?

HAHAHA you're friend has good taste of humor it sucks but it is funny I hope you will find some1 for the prom.

congratz 173. an adult still calls people more muture than them a fag

Inspired22 11

Am I the only one who read 'prom' as '****' the first time?

Auron_fml 0

wow, what a dick, you should pour acid on his face

NiNAAA_fml 0

Woooww.. Id POP HIM IN THE FACE, make fun of him after, then find someone else. What an ASSWIPIN DICK FACE??

weavermycutecat 0

that is an epic win for him, a sad day for the op. i would soooo slap him.

that was either an attempt to be witty or your friend's an asshole. hopefully the former.