By UnluckyJulie - 02/11/2009 06:12 - United States

Today, it was my 17th birthday. I didn't want my family to spend money on a cake, so my dad made this delicious apple ring. At least, it was great until my mouth began to itch and my throat closed. I have been allergic to nuts since birth, and my dad put walnuts in my birthday cake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 371
You deserved it 2 697

Same thing different taste

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Sounds like something my dad would do... dads are even worse than boyfriends about remembering that stuff. Trouble is you can't dump your dad.

Reyo 2

Well...considering it was her FATHER who should've been living in the same house with her for the last 17 YEARS...yeah, what kind of an idiot forgets something like that. It's like forgetting you have skin cancer.


GR3453m0nk3y 4

thats what you get for eating nuts!!! :D and oh my gosh im first!!! big freakin deal who cares

jchansfan 0
Fmylifffeee 0

it's my 17th birthday too!!!!! happy birthday to us! :D

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Reyo 2

Well...considering it was her FATHER who should've been living in the same house with her for the last 17 YEARS...yeah, what kind of an idiot forgets something like that. It's like forgetting you have skin cancer.

BelaLugosisdead 0

Ew. That sucks. You think your dad would remember something as simple as you're allergic to nuts.

Savvysass 0

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Mx_Rider 6

how nice of him. sucks for u, you were basically choking over nuts xD

Thats a great money saving program. He figures that next year you are 18 which usually means some big sort of birthday gift. He thought if he could top you off on your 17th birthday then that would save him the money from any subsequent birthdays.. or at least make you so wary of anything that he gives you in future that if he gave you something like a car that you would not want it fearing he had cut the brakes or something. ;)

well maybe he didnt see the nuts would you go looking for something youre allergic to in your cake?

jchansfan 0

He made it. If he didn't see the nuts, there's a big problem there. :P

T9FTW 20

I'm sure he saw his nuts there. I mean, I always see min-- Oh, wait...

GR3453m0nk3y 4

people of FML!!! please do me a favor and go to this site idc what you do there just go to it it doesnt matter if you just open it, let it load, and then close it

Sounds like something my dad would do... dads are even worse than boyfriends about remembering that stuff. Trouble is you can't dump your dad.

jchansfan 0

Haha this comment is awesome. I would totally dump my dad. lmao.

toaster468 0

no not in my case my dad is the one who always checks for peanuts.

When i had a roommate, we had a list of things she was allergic to on the fridge so we wouldn't make something she would eat with the items. How difficult is that?