By Jim - 28/03/2009 01:10 - United States

Today, I decided to ask my girlfriend of 3 years to marry me. I made brownies with walnuts and put an engagement ring into the brownie I gave her. Not only did she choke on the ring, but on the way to the emergency room, I find out she is highly allergic to walnuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 237
You deserved it 82 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Together 3 years and you didn't know she was allergic to walnuts?

llSgtScopell 0

If she says "Yes" after all that she must REALLY love you. Hahaha


jbabe 0

duuude. thats always a risk. u shoulda know the walnut thing tho. always good to know.

wow. You have been with her for 3 years and yet you never knew she was allergic to walnuts. Ring in food is romantic..I guess she choke on the ring because of her allergy reaction acting up.

stinebean 0

#63 is so right! What would have actually happened if she didnt choke and wasn't allergic to the nuts? Like would she spit out a diamond ring and then you would get down on one knee? hahah when you think about it it would be ridiculous.. and I'm sure every woman wants to hear "by the way sweetie you have chocolate in your teeth" during the proposal.

did she say yes? if she said yes after THAT shes definitely a keeper :D

AL3X_M 0

Bad mistake dude. You're not marrying the Brownies, you're marrying her!

it was romantic. not his fault the girl swallows brownies whole. but u should have known about walnuts

hsmiles 0

I call bullshit on this one. If she was allergic to walnuts, she definitely wouldn't have eaten the brownies without double-checking. MOST people put brownies in walnuts - that's a red flag food for her. Unless ... unless she TOLD you she was allergic, you forgot, and she assumed you had given her PLAIN brownies. In which case you're a douche.

Not only should you know food allergies after 3 years but damn...putting the ring in food? Serioiusly, you know something bad is gonna happen.