By ewewew - 24/09/2009 22:10 - United States

Today, during our championship field hockey game, my mouthguard fell into a mass of geese poop. The referee made me put it back in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 434
You deserved it 4 800

Same thing different taste


YDI for being a jock asshole and not spending enough time in English class. Learn to spell noob

Apparently, um_duh says that the OP can't spell "noob". That, or um_duh can't use punctuation correctly.

missmollylynn 0

um_duh, you're a ******* idiot. he didn't misspell anything. before you go and try to insult someone, make sure they actually did something wrong, you ignorant ****.

The OP is a girl. Plus, playing field hockey doesnt mean youre a jock.

jazinatorr 0

ewww that's so gross. did the reflections not notice?

Why wouldn't they let you rinse it off with a water bottle?

Put that shit back in yer mouth and pretend like they be sum pimpin' grillz, foo'.

doggie3 0

That happened to me at my field hocky game but with dog poo. Did he let you clean it off, though? Cuz my ref did.

You know referees these days. All these strange fetishes. Clearly he had a think for shit stained teeth. May I recommend Colgate?

*cue British accent* Dirty mouth? Clean it upp with Orrbit!

KristinSpencer 0
ThaMC 0

ydi for playing field hockey. But that does suck

rules are there for a reason... you had a hard choice either put it back in or don't play.

moopsy234 0

mannnnn that's y I always carry hot scauce in my cup!!! for that reaon exactly!!!! WHHHHHOOOHOOO AND reply "I'm sexy" to this!!!!

I love how all these peeps are acting like the refs evil - which um no. it's a legality thing to wear one and the red wouldve let a player wipe it first with their tunic or rinse with their water bottle.