By yuck - 09/12/2018 03:30 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I was out riding and a seagull pissed on me. It got in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 622
You deserved it 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91uk 22

Technically it shat in your mouth too... All the waste comes out in one goopy mass. That probably didn't help... Oops!

mrhappynottms 7

And the seagulls pissed in my mouth, not fun! I said seagulls, stop it now!


mrhappynottms 7

And the seagulls pissed in my mouth, not fun! I said seagulls, stop it now!

people who downvoted this has no clue what you're referencing, bunch of n00bs

manb91uk 22

Technically it shat in your mouth too... All the waste comes out in one goopy mass. That probably didn't help... Oops!

Aw, you almost got me, but I’m not that... ...wait on it... ...gull-ible!

Stiggy626 25

eh, well, technically you're both right in a way since they do both at the same time. Evolution, right?

Birds generally pee and poo together in one mess, so it was likely bird shit I know it makes the situation worse but at least you know a not so fun fact

aww he was just playing tag and your it😂

geniusness 6

Was the seagull your partner's grandpa?

next time try to keep your mouth closed so no piss can get it in their