By Anonymous - 20/08/2019 20:00 - Canada

Today, I was refereeing at a kids' soccer tournament and a deer ran across one of the fields. Some of the parents then claimed that a deer on the field meant a free kick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 632
You deserved it 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You mean like a free kick to the head of each person who actually doesn't (want to) know what the rules of soccer are and the meaning of (fair) sportsmanship???

For which team? Presumably, both teams have only human players. If some were part-deer, the all-human team would be awarded the kick. Deer would be great soccer players!


For which team? Presumably, both teams have only human players. If some were part-deer, the all-human team would be awarded the kick. Deer would be great soccer players!

With how crazy sports parents can be, they probably wanted a free kick at the deer.

You mean like a free kick to the head of each person who actually doesn't (want to) know what the rules of soccer are and the meaning of (fair) sportsmanship???

Stupid parents. A deer on the field is only a throw-in. I saw it during an LA Galaxy game once.

When you said it wasn’t a free kick, did the parents yell at you for risking their kid’s future and scholarships that aren’t happening because no college coach is there?