By Anonymous - 27/10/2009 03:15 - United States

Today, at work, I realized that not everyone in the office needs to hear my explosive diarrhea through the a/c vents that interconnect through the entire building. I think an email was sent around, describing people's reactions in detail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 101
You deserved it 3 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow.... how much of assholes can people be? It's not like you can control your own bodily functions. Maybe they should have just closed the vents.

It's like... it's like your asshole is Mt. Vesuvius and the poor toilet is Pompeii and all of its unsuspecting residents.


wow.... how much of assholes can people be? It's not like you can control your own bodily functions. Maybe they should have just closed the vents.

Yes you can, its pepto bismol! :D upset stomach, DIaRRhEA!!

* blearrrggghhhhhhhhhhhh pluak! pooot.. * "ahhhhhh" sounds good to me .. :)

GGnoRe 0

What's wrong with that? Now everyone has something to remember you by!

It's like... it's like your asshole is Mt. Vesuvius and the poor toilet is Pompeii and all of its unsuspecting residents.

GGnoRe 0

I feel sorry for all those little water molecules :(

"not everyone needs to hear", are you implying that only certain people do need to hear... what kind of a pervert are you... no one should need too or indeed want too listen to evacuate your bowels

What the hell? Like #1 said, you can't control your bodily functions. Maybe she got sick at work or has irritable bowel syndrome. She was in the TOILET at work. She didn't realise that everyone could hear her through the air conditioning vents. Sounds like her work needs to sort out their bathroom issues

Trying to... can't... stop.. ah screw it. Diarrhea song commence! When you are walking down the hall and feel something fall... Diarrhea... Diarrhea...

perdix 29

Some people think it's funny, but it's really hot and runny . . . diarrhea, diarrhea.

♪ When you’re looking at your shoes and you feel something ooze: Diarrhea! Diarrhea! ♪

♪ When it comes out of your bum, like a bullet from a gun - Diarrhea! Diarrhea!♪

♪ When you’re shopping at the store and it’s dripping on the floor: Diarrhea! Diarrhea! ♪

cucumberfabulous 7

When you're climbin up the ladder, and you feel somethin splatter.. Diarrhea Diarrhea ..........???yea???? yea?? mmm..

greenltrn2003 0

If you're trynna walk around and you slip on something brown...

When your going down the slide and you feel something glide.. diarrhea...diarrhea

Yuck. Your a woman, your meant to be perfect and not gross. I guess that kinda shit happens when you leave the kitchen

I warned you to go easy on the chili, hon.

thats really bad. I can understand why they sent the email around but its still really tick