No rest for the heroes

By J Claire Sanchez - 22/03/2020 15:56

Today, everyone has been advised to stay home and self-quarantine due to the COVID19 outbreak. This would've been great and all, especially since I'm pregnant and need the bed rest, but I work as a doctor and we're understaffed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 060
You deserved it 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication

I can't tell how serious you are, but I'm sorry, if she's pregnant and needs bed rest because of it she should be in bed's rest. A doctor or nurse in bad health is not going to be much help to anyone anyway.


That's not true. Only non-essential workers have been sent home. At this moment, doctors and nurses (and email marketing spammers, for some reason) are at the top of the list of being essential. Do your best to save lives during this disaster.

And eat more cheese! --"America's Dairyland"

I can't tell how serious you are, but I'm sorry, if she's pregnant and needs bed rest because of it she should be in bed's rest. A doctor or nurse in bad health is not going to be much help to anyone anyway.

Yes, more cheese can only be a good thing!

I read the post twice. The wording is a little confusing but I think she’s saying she’s not allowed to stay home and has to report to work.

Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication

Pregnant and bed rest trumps anything else... Sorry to hear they need you in.

Alai 14

You’re pregnant and you need rest,so don’t feel guilty

You are beyond appreciated🙏🏻💜💜💜💜

Yep. Same here. I could also use some break time but, as an ICU nurse, am also forced to come in to work.

even though your work as a doctor is important, its not worth your baby and your own life. pregnant women are very high risk to serious cases of Corona. you need to stay home.

Mooglefox 23

You can only do so much in the condition you are in.

I'm so sorry you have to go into work in your condition. It can't be easy. Health care providers are the true heroes nowadays.