Phantom shitter

By eirbear - 14/09/2018 18:30

Today, someone had explosive diarrhea in my bathroom at work and didn't clean it up. I'm the only woman in the office and I have only one toilet with no window or fan, so I have to leave the door open to air it out. It's right beside the canteen. Everyone will think it was me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 939
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We need a follow-up OP was this supposed to be just your bathroom or is it everyone's 🤔

Or maybe OP knows that all her coworkers use the men’s room, making the women’s room hers and hers alone? Where’s the entitlement to calling a bathroom only you use yours?


Is this more of a shitstery or a scheiss-t?

I hate to be that guy, but with you calling it "my bathroom", could it be that you're coming across entitled and you've pissed off some people? On a side note, did you just assume everybody's gender in your office?

Or maybe OP knows that all her coworkers use the men’s room, making the women’s room hers and hers alone? Where’s the entitlement to calling a bathroom only you use yours?

We need a follow-up OP was this supposed to be just your bathroom or is it everyone's 🤔

Invest in some Febreze? It seems like whoever took the dump was in an emergency situation, so he ran to the nearest washroom, which happens to be the female one. A situation like this will happen again, so invest in some Febreze to cover up the scent.