By gerligrl97 - 12/06/2011 18:50 - United States

Today, along with my virginity, my boyfriend took my laptop, iPhone, TV, and most of the food in my fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 098
You deserved it 12 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

futtbuck101 1

you better get that food back


CaptainPickles72 18

You got screwed...........over.

gerligrl97 0

I posted an FML almost identical to this a couple days ago!!!!! it was denied Nd was worded a tiny bit different. this story is obviously fake if it happened to me. Today, someone stole my FML. FML.

Is that why you have an Original Poster ribbon on your comment?

chill out home girl, the posters name is the same as your. herp derp?

I guess u got owned,on FML and with your boyfriend...Modification of ur FML:"Today,someone stole my FML, until I realised I stole my own FML. FML"

ReneeFlem_Flam 2

Your profile says you're 15, but you have '97 in your username. You are a little tramp, say bye to your belongings.

maybe OP is posting this from a local library :)

what does op n ydi stand for? and u should have cn it coming btw

really failing to see how OP deserves it. nobody else has ever had anybody misrepresent themselves and their interests? seriously, **** anybody who says YDI. this is essentially a rape and a robbery.

so what you're basically saying is even though she slept with him voluntarily, because of the fact that he stole her things that makes it rape? lmao

it wasn't rape if she said yes and/or he yelled surprise! thats the problem with idiots like you, you cry rape way too ******* quick. "oh he robbed her! and they had sex...but sense he stole from her let's call it rape too!!"

IHeartJimi02 0

Op didn't say he stole her virginity from her. she said that he took it. If he raped her she would have said so.

You sound like one of the stuck up bitches that play the sexual assault card over nothing.

FML_14u2c 14

Boyfriend? Sounds more like a one night stand, gone bad.

ugh scumbag! you may wanna rethink your taste in men >.

mygreenhoodie 0

wow and your only 14.. stay cla$$y

aes1994 0

I was just wondering if anyone would notice how young she is

ask him to give your virginity