By gerligrl97 - 12/06/2011 18:50 - United States

Today, along with my virginity, my boyfriend took my laptop, iPhone, TV, and most of the food in my fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 098
You deserved it 12 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

futtbuck101 1

you better get that food back


better claim your virginity back en!

foilindo 0

everything was ok. but the iPhone?! now he just went too far!!! lol

Zeb_McBride 0
corje20 0

hey I like ur style on life. so really where do u live

Damn u need to call the cops u just got robbed

ericka216 0

well, since he's such an AMAZING boyfriend, when he does'NT give you, everything but you virginity, back.. then call the police!!

felah17 6

Hey,babe! this is your boyfriend. I took the liberty of taking some of your useless stuff...Figure you didn't mind.You were awesome! Next time we do it at my pad. You know,under the bridge.I've got a slightly soiled,but good mattress!!! Love ya! Bye!!

soulfulemo 0

I honestly do not know what to say to that,..but wow