By gerligrl97 - 12/06/2011 18:50 - United States

Today, along with my virginity, my boyfriend took my laptop, iPhone, TV, and most of the food in my fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 098
You deserved it 12 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

futtbuck101 1

you better get that food back


I'm sure you knew OP he was a piece of shit FYL for letting him come over

hide yo phone, hide yo laptop, hide yo fridge, and hide yo v-card cuz he takin that to...

littlejx_fml 7

um OP if he took your laptop & phone, how did you get on the Internet to post this?

A Mans solution. If the sex is shite, eat pizza ... not sure about electronics though...

at least he took and didn't give........ like herpes or syphillis, take it as a life lesson and be thankful, it could always be worse.

felah17 6
olodog 0

better of had a big dick if ur still with him

there's no reason she should still be with him or she's a ******* dumbass

perdix 29

At least he left you your fax machine, VCR and landline phone!

BeastNerd 3

Just wondering, are you really 84?

u should take his dick and balls away with a knife

soulfulemo 0

a guy like that doesn't have any balls

MatthewDmerrill 5