By gerligrl97 - 12/06/2011 18:50 - United States

Today, along with my virginity, my boyfriend took my laptop, iPhone, TV, and most of the food in my fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 098
You deserved it 12 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

futtbuck101 1

you better get that food back


and you're still refering to him as "your boyfriend" why..?

girls like you r funny. u can't see trash? please learn

Has his father set aside bail money? Call the police, you've been robbed dear.

well mine stole my shoes! so were both f$

doglover339 4
thelegitlady 0

well you're ******, aren't you?

And now you call the police and report him for theft...

get rid of him OP not the right type of guy to be around your house , he'll probably steal from your family as well . go to his parents or the cops