By Anonymous - 08/05/2009 03:38 - Canada

Today, I was at a family get together with distant relatives. My grandma made a point to say how all of the grandkids brought their boyfriends or girlfriends. She looks at me, then turns to everyone and says "But not our Becky! She is more interested in her cats right now than finding a man." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 004
You deserved it 6 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

elara15 0

Finding a man should never be a "priority," Grandma! Let's not encourage overpopulation and the scarcity of resources.

Well when all your sisters are sobbing over the fact that their relationships have ended and are enduring the heartbreak, you'll still have your cats, :)


elara15 0

Finding a man should never be a "priority," Grandma! Let's not encourage overpopulation and the scarcity of resources.

She just wants to go all cougar on some sweet, young tail.

Well when all your sisters are sobbing over the fact that their relationships have ended and are enduring the heartbreak, you'll still have your cats, :)

Grandmas can be so rude! Try to remember that back in their day there wasn't much else to do but be a wife and have too many kids - like 8 or 9 when they couldn't afford 2. We have actual lives now, and better to have joy from your cats than a bad relationship at home.

#3, is that supposed to make her feel better? LOL! I agree with #4, your grandma kicks ass!

elara15 0

#5, plenty of women were accomplished at the time. Tell that to Lise Meitner, who discovered nuclear fission in the 30s and 40s. You have an unfortunate American bourgeois bias on this subject. Nevermind the lower class women who HAD to work and didn't have the luxury of being domestically oppressed. It's no excuse for Grandma or anyone else.

What is it with old people and their tunnelvision look on life. Keep living your life how you like it.

Okay, I just thought the grandma said that without really thinking about how it could be taken, but according to you all she's a jerk being rude to her granddaughter. My mistake.