By gerligrl97 - 12/06/2011 18:50 - United States

Today, along with my virginity, my boyfriend took my laptop, iPhone, TV, and most of the food in my fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 098
You deserved it 12 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

futtbuck101 1

you better get that food back


YDI for dating someone like that. Like any decent looking person would do such a thing. Why didn't you call the police rather than posting here? Tch, tch, tch. YDI indeed.

hotair10 9

I don't think looks have anything to do with it :P ugly people can be nice too lol

I didn't mean looks as in ugly/pretty. I meant that for a person to be capable of doing so, I highly doubt the way the act and dress reflect that of an honest, non-thief. Just my two cents though.

IHeartJimi02 0

There are a lot of people that look shady who are good people and vice versa

Could be. I've never met any, and would rather stay on the safe side. But, hey, who knows.

People can be decieving with personalities and such to use you. You know that, right?

soulfulemo 0

op said he took her laptop know people can go on the Internet through phones nowadays right?

FreebirdIII 1
eliasqfuntybunt 2
soulfulemo 0

I know, a friends phone, or an iPod. come on people really :P

MsMeiriona 2

boyfriend, rapist, tomato, tomahto.

rebekahah 7

nah, you probably just lost them

LittleMonsterSam 5
rebekahah 7

I don't think you fully understood what I had said.

meggieh815 0

she lost her food? I hate when my refrigerator decides to play hide and seek!

Liddo_Me_12 0

Haha she would be a retard to lose her items...NOT THE FOOD!! haha she probably ate them while sleep waking!!

imnotcraZ 0
jej3112000 0

I get goosebumps when I see ur comments... you creep me out. you just set off a bunch of pedo alarms in my head... no offense.

mekaylahm 0
oliviaisbombx3 0

well you certainly found a keeper (;

soulfulemo 0

yes because every girl wants a guy who takes theyre stuff...

ummm...ever heard of sarcasm? missed it in the comment you replied to.

brookie063 5

you sure know how to pick em!