By waterspike - 29/01/2010 13:18 - France

Today, after finally getting a date with the girl I like, she invited her new boyfriend along as well. I ended up paying for their first date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 794
You deserved it 9 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you just leave? YDI for being their doormat.

YDI for being a complete pushover. next time locate your sack and tell the guy and girl to pay for their own shit... you sucker.


Why didn't you just leave? YDI for being their doormat.

Reyo 2

No you didn't. You promptly left when you realized that you were only there to be taken advantage of because that was the logical thing to do.

I agree, the smart thing to do would be to just leave :

kirakira333 0

seriously... just leave. duh?

alex is right your a guy you should have just left don't let some one screw you over

gary1984 0

that's funny but I'm not a txt/computer dummy what's YDI mean?

stewie1744 0

punch that bitch in the face! haha

Agreed. How could that -possibly- happen? Wish you would post more details.

Aww that really sucks OP, but theres plenty of fisk in the sea <3

iSwag 0

agree with #1 you shouldve asked for a seperate ticket, paid for YOUR food, and thanked them for reminding you that you had set. ...instead you were reminded about the absence of said set. hope you pulled your skirt back down when you stood up

YDI for being a complete pushover. next time locate your sack and tell the guy and girl to pay for their own shit... you sucker.

responses 0

and you paid why? shoulda just left and let her boyfriend pay for all 3 of you

How did you not deserve this? You were free to leave, which you didn't do, and who forced you to pay for them?

Did you remember to get a doggy-bag for your balls?

win =D but yea, once you realised he was her boyfriend, why didn't you leave? i can see her side, i know i wouldn't want a man who's a doormat

OP didn't leave because he so totally loves this girl. That means he'd do anything to be around her. I think it's sweet, but I feel so sorry for you.

Yes, that may feel like love for him, but this is merely infatuation. And I blame the media for pronouncing such infatuation as love, and also for stating that giving absolutely everything for a girl will somehow make her love him back. I also had a hard time being a doormat for numerous girls. OP, please go read a book about healthy relationships, live by it and your life will turn around, guaranteed. You deserved this one for being a doormat, but your life sucks for thinking this way about girls. (Such a book helped me a lot too. Before I have read it I couldn't get any girl except those not even worth mentioning in retrospect. After I have read it I soon got into a situation where I had to choose from two girls who were crazy for me and any of them outdid all my previous attempts at dating. 'Nuff said.)

youthink_fml 0

So you obviously didn't have a date with her. He was probably gay and she was trying to set you up with him.

skyeyez9 24

WTF?! You do not pay for other peoples's dates, ever. Stick up for yourself or people will forever be walking all over you.