By anonymous - 12/10/2009 02:48 - United States

Today, I had to crown the homecoming queen, a responsibility of mine as class president. It just happened to be that the queen is my ex-girlfriend that I still love, escorted by her new boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 725
You deserved it 4 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When they got up there, you should have crowned the new boyfriend.

I'm well out of college and think everyone tearing the OP down over "high-school drama" is pretty thoughtless. It matters. That's a hard situation, OP, and we really don't know all the backstory. But if you have the backbone, you could have confidently put the crown on her head while saying, "You look beautiful."


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Dude, get over it. Unless you broke up the same morning, you have no reason to whine like a bitch. She's probably a **** anyway

moonlight_daze 8

What is it that Zangledog needs to get over? Who's probably a ****? What are you talking about, #27? :-/

greenltrn2003 0

^nice use of hate for ppl replying to the 1st comment

Replying to the first comment is more annoying than saying "first" to me....

Sun_Kissed18 25

No, since he actually replied for a reason and not just to get his comment seen. If you actually have something intelligent to add or argue with the person who happens to be first then commenting on it is fine; though, people on here rarely have anything intelligent to say.

Well BFD you ballerina crotch. If you think this ranks as an FML for you, you will hang yourself before age 30. Grow up. Life is not MTV, Nick at Night, Comedy Channel, or the Cartoon Network.

JKr3slEMO 5

could've just hit the guy in the head with the crown..

moonlight_daze 8

YDI for going to Homecoming. Try thinking for yourself for a change, damn!

Boo hoo, high school drama, get over it!

It's not just "high school drama" ... no matter what stage of your life you are in. Having to be happy while watching someone you care for be with someone else sucks. Big time.

When they got up there, you should have crowned the new boyfriend.

LOL that would have been great. Seriously man, it's hard but you need to forget her. If you still have feelings for her, I'm guessing it's not been too long since the break up, and so she certainly didn't love you too much if she already has a new man on her arm.

crzyry 6

I can understand why that sucked for you but believe me in a couple years you won't give a damn about some high school girlfriend or homecoming.

moonlight_daze 8

After 2012, none of us will give a damn about anything anymore.. At least that's what believers in the great Nostradamus have been telling me.

I'm already not giving a damn about a good handful of things.

lolzRaptor 1

Yeah too bad the world ended in the year 2000.

Intellectualist 0

trust me dude you wont like her after she gains the freshman 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 oh and it only gets worse after this.

youre class president & got to date the homecoming queen? so not only are we supposed to care about your unintresting highschool drama, we're supposed to pity you?!?!? I wish you could smack soneone via the internet..

Intellectualist 0

High school dramas are the best dramas, everyone knows full well in a few years, they won't care, but at the moment it's the end of the world.

Besides, their funny as hell to sit back and watch.

mirandaelcraig 13

So you think just cause Someone is popular they deserve to be hurt?.that's kind of f*cked up. I wasn't "popular" either by any means of the word but I was never petty enough to be mad at someone just cause they were...

busdrivertohell 0

People who are popular enough to be class president don't really deserve pity when it comes to stuff like this.