By rejected - 29/01/2010 14:14 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me because he has "commitment issues". He said he "cared" for me but didn't "love" me. He did this 30 minutes after we'd hooked up and said we loved each other. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 716
You deserved it 4 967

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KateeJo 0

He obviously lied to get into your pants. I say you rip his balls off and hang them in your trophy case.

perdix 29

YDI for believing what a guy says just before, during, or just after sex. We'll say anything if our cocks are getting to come out and plunge into dark, wet female areas. And here's the worse news: since it's been only 30 minutes since the hookup, that "caring" part is also a sex-fueled lie.


good riddence, now get someone who can last longer than half an hour.... I'm available.

KateeJo 0

He obviously lied to get into your pants. I say you rip his balls off and hang them in your trophy case.

KateeJo 0

Eh, every girl needs someones balls in their trophy case.

Prestigex 0

Girls who collect balls deserve to be treated like this. Guys who treat girls like this protect their balls good enough to prevent them from becoming trophies.

Prestigex 0

Girl's who collect balls desserve more then to be stood up, perhaps bang their best friend.

Lied to get into her pants? The guy breaks up with her half an hour later. Tired of these Lifetime movie network fueled comments.

KateeJo 0

So you think he loved her and then 30 minutes later thought " Eh, I'm over her."

I think if he wanted some ass he wouldn't hang around for half an hour. Don't evade the point.

jayde214 0

yeah what an ass! chop his penis off and put it in a meat grinder!

hey. I'm a guy n I totally agree with u... well u know what occupies 80% of a guy's mind, at least a guy so ...

omnistryder 0

I don't agree with this amount of hostility

prestigex, isn't that the point? nice guys that finish last are the best!

Prestigex 0

Girls already have *******, they don't need another one.

@freeze: lol. The original poster meant that her bf left her after they 'hooked up' which obviously means they had sex. Dumb douche much?????

"hooked up" where I'm from is a bj at the most. And he should have just ****** her friend. it's easier than telling a girl you don't love her back.

"Hook up" means nothing like that where I live.

schwinn11 0

Why rip his balls off, what guy hasn't done this? This isn't something new, maybe if your mom didn't have your dads balls in a jar he would've told you that guys only want one thing, and one thing only. If it wasn't for the sex no man would ever be in a relationship with a girl !!!!!

iSwag 0

as every guy needs a ***** on speed dial....when are you available?

#6, you clearly have no idea what feminism is.

nnnntr 17
sourgirl101 28

How on earth is he your boyfriend? You were some girl he had to say 'I love you' to bang. He is probly scary 'cause you think he needs to be committed to you after that one night. He says he still cares for you 'cause he doesn't want to burn the bridge knowing you'll probly let him have sex with you again and again and again until you realize he's using you! Guys don't commit to ****** but they do screw them once in a while DUMBASS!!!

perdix 29

YDI for believing what a guy says just before, during, or just after sex. We'll say anything if our cocks are getting to come out and plunge into dark, wet female areas. And here's the worse news: since it's been only 30 minutes since the hookup, that "caring" part is also a sex-fueled lie.

Prestigex 0
chadwick110480 0
jordaninja 0

You obviously are horrible in bed!

he doesn't have commitment issues; he just wanted to bone you. your mistake for not detecting that before you spread your legs.

omg my ex had committment issues... but he got pissed at me for saying that.

he just wanted to get into your pants.