
By Anonymous - 24/06/2020 17:02

Today, I took my new girl out on a date after work. Ten minutes later, my ex-wife, her new boyfriend and my daughter showed up at the same restaurant and decided a double date would be fun. My ex lives an hour away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 425
You deserved it 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1. Did you post on social media where you were going? 2. Is it a favorite hangout? This does NOT sound coincidental.

tounces7 27

Tracking his location wouldn't have allowed her to show up that quickly if she's an hour away.


1. Did you post on social media where you were going? 2. Is it a favorite hangout? This does NOT sound coincidental.

Seems pretty obvious to me: the ex has a mole at the restaurant who tipped her off and she and the boyfriend and daughter jumped in a car and drove around 360 mph to get there.

That must be the perfect storm of awkwardness for the daughter! She gets to hang out with the people both her parents are banging. I can hardly imagine anything worse!

When my kids were still teenagers they wouldn’t talk to me about where they were going or what they were doing. I was still responsible for them and loved them. Then a friend of mine let me know about a tracker. It has a really strong magnet on it. And you can put it on the underside of a car. And then you just need to look at your Cell Phone to know where they are. Check your car for a tracker! Otherwise it may happen again!

tounces7 27

Tracking his location wouldn't have allowed her to show up that quickly if she's an hour away.